
Pivot Chats Episode 9: The Internal Pivots Behind a Big External Pivot

What most people see out the outside looking in on someone else’s pivot is the big stuff, like what they used to do, and what they do now.

But on the outside looking in, it’s virtually impossible to learn from someone else’s pivot. Because all you’re seeing is the end result. It’s way too easy to misunderstand, over-simply or dilute the journey into one single moment.

But what about the journey they went through to get there?

Last year, Jennifer Battle pivoted to create Success Revolution Society - a unique and powerful community of entrepreneurs who network, mastermind, and support each other.

In this episode, we’re talking about all the mindset shifts Jennifer went through that led to her creation of this new community. From self-trust, to over-strategizing, to talking about how challenging the entrepreneurial journey is, this conversation is not sugar-coated! It’s real, and you’re gonna learn a lot!

Learn about Jennifer and Success Revolution Society here:



Pivot Chats Episode 8: Gravel Roads & Seasons of Change


Pivot Chats Episode 10: From stuck and frustrated to next-level impact, and fulfillment