Looking for a business partner?

Private Coaching for driven entrepreneurs who LOVE what they do

You already have a business doing
work that you LOVE.

And you KNOW, deep in your soul,
something’s gotta change.

I’d love to support you in creating the next chapter in your business!

Choose your own adventure…

All coaching partnerships are private coaching, completely customized to you and your business.

1 Month Partnership

Create traction on a specific project or mindset challenge

1 Kick-Off Call (90 min)
2 Coaching Sessions (1 hr)
Email support & document reviews between sessions

$1,500 USD

6 Month Partnership

Create sustainable change in an ongoing partnership

1 Kick-Off Call (90 min)
16 Coaching Sessions (1 hr)
Email support & document reviews between sessions

$7,000 USD



Schedule a Free Consultation (aka Discovery Call) to talk about what it would look like to work together!

- or -

Book a Free Business Coaching Mini-Session to dive right in and be coached by me on one topic.

6-Month Partnership Details

The 6-month coaching partnership is my signature offer and has remained largely the same for 4+ years.

I’ve built in just the right balance of flexibility and structure so that you get exactly what you want, at the right time.

  • You’ll have a 90-minute kick-off call at the beginning of our partnership.

    Then you’ll have 16 sessions to use over 6 months.

    The program includes some flexibility to accommodate your schedule - see ‘Coaching Pace’ below.

  • The program is set up for an average of 2-3 sessions per month over a 6-month period.

    Since most 6-month periods will include atypical months and vacations, you’re free to speed up and slow down coaching to fit the flow of your work and life.

    So, in general, plan to meet with me 2-3 times a month. And you are free to schedule 1 or even 4 in a given month, based on your schedule and business.

    I’m a huge advocate of long vacations and time for creativity. So the program is structured to include additional space for vacations for us both, with enough structure to maintain momentum and ensure you feel supported. And we can always discuss scheduling and pace, to be sure you get exactly what you want.

    For additional flexibility, you also have the option to schedule your 16 sessions over 7 months instead of 6.

  • So much of business happens in the in-between! We’ll maximize our session time for deep conversations that propel you forward. And in between sessions, we’ll stay in touch using Basecamp.

    We’ll use the Basecamp app to share documents, track projects, refine action plans, and handle any questions or decisions that arise between sessions.

    Basecamp also helps to keep me updated, so that we can jump right in on our calls, no matter how much time passes in between.

    Every client uses Basecamp differently, and I encourage to use it as much or as little as you like. This is YOUR coaching program.

  • If we decide to renew our partnership after the initial 6 months, you’ll lock in your rate for an entire year (even if I raise my prices).

  • I believe in an even energy exchange, and in serving my clients to the best of my ability. I do not offer refunds after I’ve provided coaching support to a client.

    However, in the rare event that a client is ever in a situation where this coaching partnership no longer serves them or their business, I’ll provide a pro-rated refund for any coaching services that have been paid and not provided. In other words, if we agree to terminate our agreement, we’ll make things even.

My Coaching Style

Every coach is different, and you’ve probably worked with a coach before, so you know what works best for you.

Fit and chemistry is EVERYTHING to me. I invest deeply in my client relationships, and the majority of my clients renew our partnerships for a year or more.

I want you to feel great about your coaching investment, so in addition to the details here, you can get all your questions answered in the free consultation.

  • I am a coach, thought partner, sounding board, confidant, and your advocate.

    We work together (I intentionally use the word PARTNERSHIP in my offer) to create the very best business and life for you, as defined by you.

    I am not the kind of coach who is more like a teacher or tells you what to do. That style is great in certain circumstances, but that’s not my style. I absolutely will guide you as needed, and I always share my opinion, but that’s different than teaching you step-by-step. And if we are a good fit, that’s not what you need anyway!

    I want you to feel empowered to make excellent, strategic business decisions, and to keep improving that skill over time. So if all I do is tell you what to do, that creates a dependency that’s not healthy or empowering. Working with me is a way to help you thrive, not something that you NEED in order to get by.

    There ARE some moments, of course, where we all feel like we NEED coaching. And that’s also normal and true. There’s nothing wrong with needing support - I have had a coach for the vast majority of my entrepreneurial journey - and I believe that getting the right support for you at the right time is pure magic!

  • I am always going to tell you what I really think. And sometimes that’s not what you want to hear but it’s what you need to hear!

    I am equal parts compassionate and straightforward. I will lovingly call you out when I see you getting in your own way. And everything is in the intention of your best interest and helping you to get to the goals and vision you’ve set for yourself, so when I see you deviating from that direction, I’m at least gonna say something!

    So, I’ll help you from getting in your own way, to make strategic decisions that get you where you want to go, and to create your business around your life (not the other way around). And with that comes super super honest conversations. When something feels off I will tell you. When you’re heading down a path I don’t understand, I’ll ask you about it. And when your patterns surface - usually more and more sneakily over time so YOU can’t see it - I’ll be able to spot it from a mile away. I don’t hold back my perspective or my ideas for what else might be possible for you. AND you get to move at the exact pace that works for YOU. Speeding up and slowing down along with you is one of the elements of my coaching style…..

    AND…this is YOUR coaching container and I encourage you to be super honest right back with me! If something I say doesn’t resonate, you are always empowered to let me know, and to even argue with me. In fact, some of my favorite coaching sessions and business outcomes have come from a topic where we disagreed to start.

    I’m not right all the time (shhh, don’t tell my partner!) and I expect that from time to time we will have some back-and-forth conversations as we hash out what’s the best thing for YOU and YOUR business.

    In fact, that’s one of the many powers of coaching or collaboration – 2 heads are better than one. And together we can create magic.

  • Diving deep and getting to know someone at a deep and personal level is something I’m naturally good at. It’s a huge reason why I’ve focused my business model exclusively on 1:1 client service. I get a lot of fulfillment from developing deep relationships with my clients, and I think it really matters when it comes to being the best coach I can be.

    I’ll get to know you and your business - from your quirks, mindset patterns, and deepest desires for the future, to your genius, your customers, your team and your offers. It’s actually my goal (and job!) to get to know you so well that I can coach you to the very best of my abilities.

    I’ve been known to quote my clients back to them from their own social media post. Sometimes it’s so out of the blue that they’ll say, “did I really say that?!”

    Most of my clients have said to me, ‘ OMG you know me SO WELL!” And my long-term clients still get surprised when I remember something that happened 2 years ago, that’s relevant to today’s conversation.

    When it comes to my clients I really do have a great memory (fulfillment tip - you remember things when you care a lot about them!). But this isn’t just magic.

    I actually have time set aside on my calendar specifically - every week - to stay updated on my clients behind the scenes.

    My to-do list includes taking time to listen to client podcast episodes, watch their masterclasses, read a book that has to do with their business or industry, listen to a song they said really spoke to them, or just plain stalking them on social media to comment, like, and consume the thought leadership that they’re putting out into the world. (Those are actual examples)

    I do this especially when I take on a new cient so that I can get up to speed quickly on who I’m serving. But even for my long-term clients, this is something that I still do regularly.

Client results and love

  • "Laura is the best thing to happen to my business in a long time! After many false starts – hiring the wrong people to help, investing lots of money and energy in ideas that end up getting scrapped – with Laura’s help, I finally feel some grounded traction."

    Jodie Stein, MFT

  • "I have LESS clients, higher rates, better work experiences, and I feel valued by working at the right rate with clients that value my skill set.”

    Kate Harrison
    Island Web Design

  • "For the first time in a very long time I am not feeling overwhelmed, stuck or burnt out with work. I was adamant about not wanting to run my new business the way I ran my old one. I can now navigate unchartered waters in the creation of my new business and still feel confident.

    Denise DeShetler
    Passionate Health Advocate

  • "My income has increased more than 50%. I have more gratitude, confidence, joy, and better concentration. I'm more connected to who I am, my strength and the importance of being true to myself and what I want for my life. "

    Jennifer Frappier
    Actress, writer, creative, entrepreneur

  • "Laura's knowledge & ability to make complicated situations feel not so complicated, and to frame them in a way that is easy to understand, has been essential for me."

    Allison Dellatore

  • "I've doubled my income! Each time I meet with Laura, I instantly know the best steps to take for my business. This helps me to save time and most importantly have more peace knowing that I'm on the right track."

    Melinda Lee
    Speak In Flow

  • "Laura is amazing! She helped me through a year of huge transition!"

    Sarah Stokes
    The Juicy Good Life

  • "Laura helped me transition to be ready to sell my business and start a new one. She provides a safe space to grow, transform, and challenge yourself to become someone you did not know was possible.

    -Jill Hinson
    Inner Bellizza

Ready to work together?

I’d love to partner together to create YOUR unique vision of more fulfillment, impact, and sustainable success!

Join me for a free call where we can talk more about you, your business, your vision for your next chapter, and what working together would look like.

Or, get started now with a single coaching session and see what it’s really like to work together.

However you’d prefer to explore, I can’t wait to support you!