Fall Back in Love
with Your Business

Private coaching for
driven, passionate entrepreneurs
on the edge of a new chapter


I know you’ve got a big vision and it’s personal

I’ll bet you started your business with a fire in your soul. You’ve got a big vision and you LOVE your work. You’re a human on a mission.

And you’re here to fully express your unique genius and change the world in your own unique way.

If you’re a visionary, a multi-passionate, or a serial entrepreneur - or all of those - you’re definitely in the right place!

If you’re anything like me, this isn’t just a business. It’s your life’s work.

I believe anything that’s deeply meaningful and worth having - like a fulfilling and successful business - is going to ask you to rise to the occasion, to keep growing and evolving, personally and professionally.

Just like life, business is not always a straight line to your goals. There are twists and turns along the way. Sometimes there are beautiful surprises. Other times, frustrating challenges.

I’m here for all of it! I bet you are too.

My magic is in helping you navigate both the personal and the business side of this journey,
so you can BE the best version of yourself as you create the next chapter in your business.

Entrepreneurship is an epic personal and professional journey

When you’re this fired up about our work, you’re probably playing the long game.

So you’ve probably already seen several different seasons and chapters of your work over the years. And you can absolutely expect that to continue.

The more you learn and grow - as a business owner, a practitioner, a human, and a leader - your business will evolve right along with you.

I believe there’s a time and a season for pretty much everything in business:

  • There’s a time to grow or scale what you’ve already built.

  • There’s a time for scaling back, and re-building a firmer foundation

  • There’s a time for pivots and transitions when things are shifting for you creatively.

  • There’s a time for new projects to be birthed

  • AND there’s a time to enjoy what you’ve built and just coast!

Sometimes you just KNOW that something’s gotta change

You’ve been in business long enough to know that part of being an excellent CEO is making strategic decisions, and knowing when to make an adjustment or just stay the course.

And as important as the data is, sometimes you just get this knowing, deep in your soul, that
something’s gotta change…

If you’re ready for a change (big or small):
in the work itself,
in the way you run your business,
or in the way you think and feel as a CEO
(maybe even all of these),
it’s time for your next chapter.

Maybe it’s finally time for the next project…
To start the podcast, write the book, start another business, or create that dreamy new offer that’s been sitting in your journal for longer than you can remember. 

Maybe your business has gotten as far and as healthy as it’s gonna get…
…at least the way it’s set up right now. And you know the only way to get to the next level is to figure out exactly what to change, what not to change, and a stronger mindset that supports your success.

Maybe your next chapter doesn’t look that different externally, but you want it to FEEL different.

Because as much as you hate to admit it, you’re just not enjoying being a CEO. You’re treading water, not trusting yourself to take this business where you want it to go, and you’re maxed out. You also know the only way you’re going to get the change you need and desire, is to start to look at things differently and build (or rebuild) your confidence. Because you promised yourself if it stopped being fun, you’re going to do something about it. And there’s a point when you just have to do it differently because anything else is insanity.

If you’re on the precipice of a new chapter,
and it’s time to make a change,
nothing’s wrong with you or your business.

You’re exactly where you’re meant to be.
People and businesses evolve over time.
It’s just time for something different.
More expansive. More profitable. More fun.

Whatever your next chapter holds for you,
pivotal moments and new chapters are my thing.

I’d love to support you!

Hi! I’m Laura.

I’m a Fulfillment and Success Coach, mostly-sane cat lady, proud aunt, world traveler, scuba diver, creative thinker, and human behavior geek.

My magic is in the blending of both sides of the entrepreneurial journey - the business and the personal, the strategy and the mindset. In the past, I’ve generally had roles that focused on one or the other, and it is my absolute joy - and zone of genius! - to explore both with my clients.

After 6 years coaching entrepreneurs, 11 years in consulting, and 7 in various corporate roles, I’ve been behind the scenes of a LOT of businesses. I’ve seen fulfillment sacrificed for success. And I’ve seen the reverse. I want you to know that you can have BOTH!

I’d love to help you create a new level of fulfillment and success - however you define those for yourself - so that you can stop waiting to accomplish your next goal, and enjoy the hell out of the journey doing work you love.

YOUR unique path to more Fulfillment & Sustainable Success

When I started this business, I had a deeply ingrained belief that I could EITHER do work I loved OR be financially successful. Starting this business was my first step in breaking my own rules, and I’ve learned and experienced that BOTH can exist together.

You can truly have a deep sense of fulfillment in doing meaningful work that changes the world, AND be highly compensated for it.

So now I’m on a mission to help YOU create both Fulfillment AND Success. And most importantly, I’m here to help you create YOUR definition of fulfillment and success, YOUR way.

Because if you create success (financial or otherwise) in a way that isn’t enjoyable, or you can’t sustain…or worse, don’t really even want anymore…then what’s the point?

I believe there’s no one way to run a business. No right or wrong strategy or offer suite. There’s simply the right fit for YOU and your creative genius, that feels sustainable and enjoyable to show up for in the long term.

I’m not your typical business coach. In fact, your business is not even my client. YOU are. And just because something makes “good business sense” doesn’t mean it’s right for you.

My approach is completely based on you - your genius, your work style, lifestyle, talents, and dreams. I work 1:1 with you to help you intentionally design the next chapter of your business around you, your customers, and your life.

Together we’ll determine what’s already working and what’s draining your energy, so that you make the EXACT right changes or adjustments, so you don’t throw out the good stuff with what you’ve simply outgrown.

Client results and love

  • "Laura is the best thing to happen to my business in a long time! After many false starts – hiring the wrong people to help, investing lots of money and energy in ideas that end up getting scrapped – with Laura’s help, I finally feel some grounded traction."

    Jodie Stein, MFT

  • "I have LESS clients, higher rates, better work experiences, and I feel valued by working at the right rate with clients that value my skill set.”

    Kate Harrison
    Island Web Design

  • "For the first time in a very long time I am not feeling overwhelmed, stuck or burnt out with work. I was adamant about not wanting to run my new business the way I ran my old one. I can now navigate unchartered waters in the creation of my new business and still feel confident.

    Denise DeShetler
    Passionate Health Advocate

  • "My income has increased more than 50%. I have more gratitude, confidence, joy, and better concentration. I'm more connected to who I am, my strength and the importance of being true to myself and what I want for my life. "

    Jennifer Frappier
    Actress, writer, creative, entrepreneur

  • "Laura's knowledge & ability to make complicated situations feel not so complicated, and to frame them in a way that is easy to understand, has been essential for me."

    Allison Dellatore

  • "I've doubled my income! Each time I meet with Laura, I instantly know the best steps to take for my business. This helps me to save time and most importantly have more peace knowing that I'm on the right track."

    Melinda Lee
    Speak In Flow

  • "Laura is amazing! She helped me through a year of huge transition!"

    Sarah Stokes
    The Juicy Good Life

  • "Laura helped me transition to be ready to sell my business and start a new one. She provides a safe space to grow, transform, and challenge yourself to become someone you did not know was possible.

    -Jill Hinson
    Inner Bellizza

Ready to create more
fulfillment and success,
and do it YOUR way?

I’d love to partner with you!

Click below to learn about my private coaching partnerships
or schedule a free consultation to talk about working together.