When it's best to scale BACK


It’s a buzz word in the small business world.

I’ve used it. I’ve helped clients do it. I’ve done it myself. I love scaling a small business. Creating something bigger and more sustainable and more profitable than before.

It can be fun, empowering, creative, and mind-blowing.

But it seems like the longer I’ve been in business, the more SCALING seems to be marketed as THE one and ONLY solution to everything.

It’s not.

The longer I’ve been in business, the more I find myself helping clients make atypical, unpopular, and counter-intuitive decisions.

Decisions that are magnificently right for them as a human who also has a life outside their business. For their work fulfillment, their zone of genius and creativity. For the impact they want to make on the world. And for their ability to pay themselves well.

How do we get there? Every client is different. But a common theme that has emerged over the last couple of years is that we - even if it’s just temporarily - scale BACK.

Simplify. Create efficiencies. Remove the work that doesn’t light them up anymore. Create more white space for creativity. A schedule that’s actually manageable, not tolerable. More time to enjoy life outside of business. And more time doing the thing they love the most when they’re working.

Scaling up and scaling back are both good choices, depending on what’s going on in your business. Everyone seems to think UP is the only way.

I’m just over here advocating for the underdog 😉because sometimes it can be the most obvious and last option you might consider.

I have a lot to say on this topic and I am not going to stop talking about it. Enjoy this video which is likely to be one of many on the subject!

And let me know what it brings up in you! Resistance? Annoyance? Relief? I’d love to know!


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